Target Audience: 35 year old mom
I think Clio did this add because it doesn't only show that, "wear our baby brands so your baby can sleep" but its also funny how they put the add
Elements of advertising
1. one of them is the background of the add, and who is in the add (SYMBOLISM)
2. the other one is about the BODY LANGUAGE and the way people want to convince them
3. there's also the camera angles, the way is takes the shots that make our eyes catch it and convincing
4. there are also special effects, that make the main thing stand out
5. it also shows lighting and color that makes it looks so cool and like a really cool design
6. they also always have to use charming, or pretty people to make the people want to get it for example, celebrities.
7. Most advertisements little graphics and shows more catching things
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